Fresno State Listserv Support
What is a Listserv?
Listserv is a convenient tool which allows faculty/staff personnel to create and maintain e-mail lists on the campus network or on the Internet. Users can choose to use Listserv as either a campus (or class) newsletter or as a moderated or unmoderated discussion group. The list size can range anywhere from a few students and professors to the entire campus community. The Listserv lists supported by Technology Services are:
- Public discussion lists
- Private discussion lists
- Moderated list
- Auto-responders
- Announce-only lists
Advantages of using Listserv:
- A common e-mail program (like Outlook or Thunderbird) can not match the e-mail load
of listserv. Most smtp servers enforce a maximum number of recipients for any one
message, in order to prevent SPAM.
- A Listserv can be moderated. A Listserv owner can configure the account to exclude
noisome messages or subscribers.
- A Listserv has a searchable web archive option. The listserv can be configured to create a comprehensive archive of postings. The postings can be searched on the Listserv management site.