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Division of Research and Graduate Studies

Graduate Program and Course Development

The graduate curriculum workflow is currently offline as we transition to a new system launching Fall 2024.  

Please check back after August 23rd, for updated information on graduate curriculum proposal processes.  Thank you for your patience and please feel free to contact the office at (559) 278-2448.

Curriculum Process

Approved courses and program proposals will appear as appropriate in the University Catalog.

Catalog Deadline for final processing for next Academic Year:

  • Existing program changes - April 1
  • Existing course changes - 3 weeks prior to the Fall wish list
  • New programs - April 1
  • New courses can be created after wish list opens

Proposals that have not secured final approval will be held on the agenda of the Graduate Curriculum Subcommittee.

  1. Initiator submits proposal via OnBase curriculum workflow.
  2. Graduate Program Coordinator reviews and approves.
  3. Department Chair reviews and approves.
  4. Office of the Dean reviews/preps for College/School Curriculum Committee.
  5. College/School Curriculum Committee reviews and approves.
  6. Dean of College/School reviews and approves.
  7. Proposal is received by the Graduate Studies Office and is reviewed/prepped for University Graduate Curriculum Subcommittee. 
  8. University Graduate Curriculum Subcommittee reviews and approves.
  9. Proposal is finalized by the Graduate Studies Office (this final step must be completed by April 1 and 3 weeks prior to fall semester wish list for existing coures).

Aditional System-Level Approval Steps

  • course designation requests require additional step in committee review.
  • new degrees, option elevations, title changes and degree designation changes require review by the Academic Senate.

Course Development

To begin the process, complete a Course Proposal request form via OnBase.

The following attachments will be required:

Note: a program change request must also be submitted in order for a new course to be reflected in program/graduation requirements.

To begin the process, complete a Course Proposal request form via OnBase and select the requested revisions on the form. This form is also used to deactivate/reactivate a course.

The following attachments will be required:

  • Course Revision Request Justification
  • New course syllabus that follows the latest university syllabus template, contains all elements required in APM 241 and adheres to APM 232 (an old syllabus will also be required for unit value changes). 
  • Current catalog descirption with markups (strikethrough old language and add new language in red text). Followed by a new clean version of the catalog description.
  • Memo of support if the proposal affects another department.

Note: a program change request must also be submitted if the course revision request affects program/graduation requirements.

Note: Course designiation requests are submitted through the OnBase Curriculum workflow system.

Catalog Change

To begin the process, complete a Catalog Change request via OnBase.

The following attachments will be required:

  • Catalog Change Request Justification
  • Current catalog description with markups (strikethrough old language and add new language in red text). Followed by a new clean version of the catalog description.
  • Memo of support if the proposal affects another department.

Existing Program Modifications

This form should be used for program adjustments to master's degree (or Ed.S.), doctorate degree, and advanced certificates due to course changes, revisions of electives, change in additional requirements, rearrangement of required courses, changes in unit requirements, etc.

To begin the process, submit a Program Revision request form via OnBase and select the requested revision on the form.

The following attachments will be required:

  • Program Revision Request Justification
  • Current catalog description with markups (strikethrough old language and add new language in red text). Followed by a new clean version of the catalog description.
  • Memo of support if the proposal affects another department.

Note: Substantial changes in an existing program may require Chancellor's Office review. Depending upon the magnitude of the change, it may by treated as a new program. 

For additional information or assistance, please contact the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies. 

The Department and College/School must first meet with the Dean of Graduate Studies to discuss the proposed program.

To begin the process, complete and submit a New Program proposal via OnBase.

The following attachments will be required:

Additional Requirements:

  • SOAPs will need to be inserted in the proposal. Program Assessment Template and Curriculum Matrix Template should be used with the proposal. 
  • The proposal will undergo a full system-level review.
  • Elevation of an option, concentration, or emphasis to a full degree program requires Chancellor's Office review and approval.

For additional information or assistance, please contact the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies. 

Full system-level review and Chancellor Office approval is required for Degree Designation or Title Change.

To begin the process for a Degree Designation or Title Change submit a Program Proposal via OnBase.

The following attachments will be required:

For additional information or assistance, please contact the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies. 

APM 223 Standards for Continuation and Procedures for Termination of a Graduate Program.

To begin the process for a Program Discontinuance submit a Program Proposal via OnBase.

The following attachments will be required:

For additional information or assistance, please contact the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies. 

New Program Development

The Department and College/School must first meet with the Dean of Graduate Studies to discuss the proposed program.

Steps to establish a new degree program

  1. Departments, Colleges or Schools that desire to institute a new degree program must first meet with the Dean of Graduate Studies.
  2. After confirmation from the Dean of Graduate Studies, the Department (College or School) will complete the Projected Degree Proposal form to be included on the Academic Master Plan (AMP) for the university.
  3. The completed Projected Degree Proposal is submitted to the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies in the academic year before starting the formal proposal (due date will be provided). 
  4. The AMP is submitted in early January to the Chancellor's Office for approval by the CSU Board of Trustees. Approval does not authorize the new program, but gives the "go-ahead" to pursue the development of a formal proposal. 
  5. To begin the formal process, the department (school or college) will complete and submit a Program Proposal via OnBase.

The following attachments will be required:

Additional Requirements:

  • The approval ("go-ahead") date will be required on the OnBase form.
  • SOAPs will need to be inserted in the proposal. Program Assessment Template and Curriculum Matrix Template should be used with the proposal.
  • The proposal will undergo a full system-level review.

Doctoral planning Resources:

For additional information or assistance, please contact the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies. 

Prior to submitting a Fast-Track or Pilot Program Proposal, the Department and College/School must first meet with the Dean of Graduate Studies. 

Fast-Track Process

The fast-track process shortens the implementation by allowing proposals to be submitted at the same time that the degree projection is proposed to the Trustees. Fast-track proposals still undergo a non-expedited system-level review process.

Two approval cycles per year are available, the first Monday in January-for July approval or the second Monday in June-for December approval. Proposals are due to the Chancellor's Office by the end of December or early June. A program is automatically approved if no questions are raised by a specific date. September (January) or February (June).

To begin the process, complete and submit a Program Proposal via OnBase. 

The following attachments will be required:

Pilot Program

A pilot program can be implemented without being placed on the campus AMP and is authorized to operate up to five years. The proposal requires Chancellor's Office review prior to implementation and is identified as a pilot program in the next annual update of the campus AMP. The campus may have up to 2 pilot programs operating at once.

To begin the process follow steps to submit a Program Proposal via OnBase.

The following attachments will be required:

Pilot Program Conversion

Conversion to regular program status requires the campus submit a pilot-conversion proposal to the Chancellor's Office.

To begin the process follow steps to submit a Program Proposal via OnBase.

The following attachment will be required:

For self-support programs, please provide a complete budget indicating all revenue sources and anticipated expenditures as well as the per-unit cost to students, the total cost to complete the program, and a cost recovery budget. See the Self-Support Sample Budget Template.

Campuses electing not to convert to regular status are expected to submit a letter of discontinuation, specifying program teach-out provisions.

While the CSU does not have system wide definitions of options, concentrations, emphases in practice, these are considered "subprograms" that are minimal requirements relative to the major core. Degree programs shall maintain consistent requirements that reflect the approved title and learning outcomes. A new option or emphasis requires Chancellor's Office review prior to implementation. 

To begin the process for a new option or emphasis submit a Program Proposal via OnBase.

The following attachments will be required:

  • Completed Proposal Template for adding a new option or emphasis.
  • Memo of support if the proposal affects another department.


  • The option or emphasis must not be more than 49% of the programs unit requirements per EO 1071.
  • An option is included in the degree name where an emphasis is a set of courses to follow in a specific area, but is not included in the degree name.

For additional information or assistance, please contact the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies. 

The Department and College/School must first meet with the Dean of Graduate Studies to discuss the proposed Certificate of Advanced Study.

Steps to establish a Certificate of Advanced Study

  1. Departments, Colleges or Schools that desire to institute a Certificate of Advanced Study must first meet with the Dean of Graduate Studies.
  2. After confirmation from the Dean of Graduate Studies, the Department (College or School) will prepare a Certificate of Advanced Study proposal. 

To begin the process for a new option or emphasis submit a Program Proposal via OnBase.

The following attachments will be required:

For additional information or assistance, please contact the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies. 

Adding a Self-Support Counterpart of a Previously Approved State-Support Degree Program must follow the specification EO 1099 self-support criteria.

To begin the process, submit a Program Proposal via OnBase. The proposal would also be reviewed by Continuing and Global Education Prior to submission to the Chancellor's Office.

The following attachments will be required:

For additional information or assistance, please contact the Office of the Dean of Graduate Studies. 

Questions or assistance please contact the Division of Research and Grad Studies.