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Geography and City and Regional Planning

Course Descriptions 

City and Regional Planning (CRP)

CRP 80 Introduction to Cities and Urban Planning

Introduction to and discussion of theory and history of cities; the principals and methodologies of urban studies and analysis; value, ethnics, and practice of urban planning in American cities; planning policies that address urban sustainability, equity, and health problems in cities. G.E. Breadth D2. (Offered every semester) (Formerly GEOG 81: Introduction to Community Planning)

CRP 110 Planning Process and Theory 

Prerequisites: Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation, Breadth Area D, and CRP 81, or permission of instructor. Exploration of answers to the following question through a survey of classic and contemporary theories of planning: What role can planning play in developing the city and region within the constraints of a capitalist political economy and a democratic political system. Activities utilized include communicative and participatory aspects of planning theory. (Offered fall, even years)

CRP 115 Introduction to Urban Design 

Prerequisites: Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation, Breadth Area D, and CRP 81, or permission of instructor. Exploring the principles of urban design at the scale of neighborhoods, downtowns, and city-wide basis through case studies and field observations. Learning the relationship of urban design to cultural, social and political factors, land use, transportation, environment, and public health. (Offered fall, even years)

CRP 120 Community Development Theory & Practice 

Prerequisites: Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation, Breadth Area D, and CRP 81, or permission of instructor. Introduction to basic issues of urban housing, community development, and economic development; the role of public policy in the above fields; market approaches to tackling issues in the fields; review and critique of urban renewal/housing programs. (Offered spring, odd years)

CRP 125 Environmental Planning

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation, Breadth Area D. The course includes theoretical and practical components in an effort to provide students skills needed to critically evaluate environmental factors in the planning process. The class is generally organized into two sections: policies and practices. G.E. Integration ID. (Offered every semester)(Formerly, GEOG 184)

CRP 130 Transportation Planning 

Prerequisites: Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation, Breadth Area D, and CRP 81, or permission of instructor. Introduction to brief history and trend of U.S. transportation planning; basic concepts and key issues in transportation; Analytical skills in travel analysis; the relationship between transportation, land use, and the environment; Transportation planning process and policy; sustainable transportation. (Offered spring, odd years)

CRP 135 Planning Law & Administration 

Prerequisites: Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation, Breadth Area D, and CRP 81, or permission of instructor. Study of contemporary growth and land use management techniques used by local, state and federal governments. Examination of the role of public law in addressing urban growth and environmental change issues, and the legal aspects of preparing and administering planning controls and incentives. (Offered fall, odd years)

CRP 140 Economics for Planners 

Prerequisites: Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation, Breadth Area D, and CRP 81, or permission of instructor. This course looks at urban problems from an economic and financial point of view. Students will better understand how economic decision making shapes urban areas and some of their problems, and how they may use economic arguments in making decisions on problems addressed by urban planners(Offered spring, even years)

CRP 150A Community Plan Making (Part 1 of 2) 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation, Breadth Area D, and CRP 81 and CRP 120, or permission of instructor.  Application of planning theory and methods to the analysis and creation of community plans. Students will work with selected clients including cities and communities in addressing local planning issues. Includes field trips to the selected client. (Offered fall, odd years)

CRP 150B Community Plan Making (Part 2 of 2) 

Prerequisites: Completion of CRP 150A, or permission of instructor. Continuation of CRP 150A. Application of planning theory and methods to the analysis and creation of community plans. Students will work with selected clients including cities and communities in addressing local planning issues. Includes field trips to the selected client. (Offered spring, even years)

CRP 191T Topics in Urban Planning Techniques 

Selected topics such as analytical techniques; means for management of urban development, including transportation, public facilities, and activities in the private sector; public policy concerning issues of local and regional significance.  (Formerly CRP 110T)

Introductory Geography (GEOG)  

GEOG 2 Introduction to Cultural Geography 

Prerequisite: GE Foundation A2 for students in English college-readiness Category III and IV. General background to cultural geography, including origins of cultural landscapes, man's modification of the natural environment, and problems of population and settlement geography. G.E. Breadth D2.

Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
GE Area: D2

GEOG 4 World Geography 

Prerequisite: GE Foundation A2 for students in English college-readiness Category III and IV. Survey of world-wide social, cultural, economic and political forces; earth's physical features; economic development; cultural and natural resources; man-land relationships. Applicable concepts and methodologies. Approach is by continents and/or cultural realms. G.E. Breadth D2.

Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
GE Area: D2

GEOG 5 Physical Geography: Global Concepts, Weather and Climate   

Prerequisite: G.E. Foundation B4. Introduction to atmospheric processes including energy and moisture exchanges; atmospheric pressure; global atmospheric and oceanic circulation patterns; precipitation processes; weather systems; and world, regional, and local climate systems, and climate change, and their collective impact on life on the earth, using analyses of data from many sources including charts, weather maps, radar and satellite imagery, and other data sources. G.E. Breadth B1. (3 lecture hours)

Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall
GE Area: B1

GEOG 7 Physical Geography: The Earth's Surface 

Prerequisite: G.E. Foundation B4. The course is a survey of those elements of the physical environment at the earth-atmosphere contact. Fundamentals of landform development including the processes that create the landscape of the earth, such as mountains, valleys, and beaches; soil development; biogeography; water resources, including surface and subsurface, and their collective impact on life on the earth, will be examined using maps, photographs, remote sensing, and other data sources. G.E. Breadth B1. (3 lecture hours)

Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Spring
GE Area: B1

GEOG 25 Critical Thinking in Geography 

Fundamentals of critical thinking with emphasis on: evaluating claims, geographical and cultural influences on perception, constructing arguments, deductive and inductive reasoning, recognizing fallacies and persuasive rhetoric, and explanations. These skills are applied to select topics drawn from various geographical contexts.

Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
GE Area: A3

GEOG 30 Introduction to Spatial Statistics 

Introduction of elementary statistical principles and techniques: probability theory, sampling, descriptive statistics, spatial statistics, hypothesis testing, correlation analysis, bivariate regression, and forecasting. (Formerly GEOG 110) (2 lecture, 2 lab hours)

Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Spring


Atmospheric Sciences(GEOG)

GEOG 111 Meteorology  

Prerequisites: MATH 75 (or equivalent) and GEOG 5 (or equivalent). Study of the earth's atmosphere; energy exchanges and temperature; pressure and air circulation; fog, clouds, precipitation and the hydrologic cycle; cyclonic storms and orographic processes; stability and thunderstorms; weather modification and predictions with application to agriculture, aviation and other activities.

Units: 3

GEOG 112 Climatology 

Prerequisites: MATH 75 (or equivalent) and GEOG 5 (or equivalent). Study of various systems of climate classification. Climates as they exist throughout the world and the reasons for their occurrence.

Units: 3

GEOG 114 Microclimatology 

(GEOG 114 same as PLANT 134.) Prerequisites: MATH 75 (or equivalent) and GEOG 5 (or equivalent), or permission of instructor. Micrometeorological influences on local climates including natural ecosystems and varying agricultural canopies. Local climate influences on wildlife, domestic animals, and humans. Manipulation of local climate including frost protection, irrigation and wind sheltering. Microclimates of non-uniform terrain and urban environment.

Units: 3

GEOG 115 Violent Weather/Climatic Hazards 

Prerequisite: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area B. Studies hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, lightning, destructive winds, heat waves, drought, severe winter storms, and floods. Looks at physical laws and processes that account for their formation and behavior; examines human impact. G.E. Integration IB.

Units: 3
GE Area: IB

GEOG 118 Air Quality Meteorology 

This course examines the sources, effects, and regulation of air pollutants; and the roles of meteorology in air pollution. Topics covered include air pollution sources and sinks, atmospheric systems and pollutant transport, welfare and health effects of air pollution.

Units: 3

Environmental Sciences (GEOG)

GEOG 122 Introduction to Biogeography 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area B, and GEOG 30 (or equivalent). Examination of the living planet and global patterns of life. Topics covered include evolution, biodiversity, extinction, conservation, and impacts of global change on our planet's biosphere. (Formerly GEOG 117.)

Units: 3

GEOG 127 Global Environmental Change 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area B. Effects of human activities on the natural world from ancient times to the present with emphasis on local, regional, and global environmental changes and their implications for the future.

Units: 3

GEOG 128 Environmental Pollution 

Prerequisites: completion of G.E. Foundation and Area B. Breadth requirements. A discussion of current environmental pollution problems involving the atmosphere, land, and water. The adverse effects of transportation, surface mining, sewage and waste disposal, noise, the use of pesticides, energy production and consumption, and related topics are examined.

Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
GE Area: IB

GEOG 129 Environmental Impact Assessment 

This course examines National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) guidelines required to conduct environmental impact assessment (EIA) of a project via physical-chemical, biological, socioeconomic, and cultural analyses of the effects the proposed activity will have on the natural environment. G.E. Integration IB.

Units: 3
GE Area: IB

GEOG 132 U.S. Environmental Law 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D, and junior standing. Contemporary environmental problems and their interrelationships. The conceptual, constitutional, and administrative framework for environmental protection and management. Legislation and case law for the protection and enhancement of the environment with emphasis on natural resources. (Formerly CRP 135).

Units: 3

GEOG 133 Environmental Policy Management

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation, Breadth Area D and PLSI 2. Discussion of theories, practices, and apparatus used in solving environmental problems from multidisciplinary approach to safeguard, sustain, and reinstate the physical environmental conditions. Topics include environmental policy, issues in water resources and solid waste management, and life cycle analysis. G.E. Integration ID.

Units: 3
GE Area: ID

GEOG 134 Introduction to Environmental Entrepreneurship 

Discussion on how to set up a new business in environmental science, sustainability, green energy, and natural resource management. Topics include environmental equity and management, natural resource management, forestry, life cycle analysis, waste management, green energy, engineering economics, and entrepreneurship.

Units: 3

GEOG 135 Environmental Protection 

Prerequisite: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. An examination of the plight of nature; the values of nature preserved; man's attempt to preserve nature. Attention focuses on the national park movement, wilderness, endangered species, the management of lands for the purpose of preservation, and related topics.

Units: 3

Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing (GEOG)

GEOG 141 GIS I: Data Display and Manipulation 

Prerequisites: GEOG 30 (or equivalent) or permission of instructor. Use of computers in mapping and geographic information systems applications. Operational knowledge of boundary and attribute data manipulation, spatial query, geocoding, and layout using state-of-the-art mapping and geographic information systems software. (2 lecture, 2 lab hours) (Formerly GEOG 101).

Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall

GEOG 142 GIS II: Data Creation and Project Implementation 

Prerequisite: GEOG 141 or permission of instructor. Fundamental concepts of acquisition, structure, manipulation, and analysis of GIS data. Practice in the design, management, and implementation of GIS. Specific operational knowledge may include georegistration, boundary and attribute file creation, map development, spatial query, and spatial analysis. (2 lecture, 2 lab hours) (Formerly GEOG 107).

Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Spring

GEOG 143 GIS III: Spatial Analysis and Modeling 

Prerequisite: GEOG 141 or permission of instructor. Spatial analysis and modeling in a GIS environment. Spatial geometry, pattern analysis, terrain analysis, path analysis, network analysis, surface modeling, spatial autocorrelation, and spatial interpolation. (2 lecture, 2 lab hours) (Formerly GEOG 108).

Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Spring

GEOG 152 Remote Sensing I: Introduction to Remote Sensing of Environment 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation Breadth and Area B; MATH 5 (or equivalent); GEOG 7, GEOG 30 (or equivalent) or permission of instructor. Introductory techniques of remote sensing; including digital image processing; advanced GIS applications. (2 lecture, 2 lab hours) (Formerly GEOG 106).

Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall

International Development Studies (GEOG)

GEOG 160 Urban Geography 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. The city environment. An understanding of the changing urban environments from ancient through medieval to modern times; the relationship of the urban center to its surrounding hinterland; the interdependence of its functional parts; its problems and future.

Units: 3

GEOG 161 Historical Geography of the United States 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Regional settlement of the United States; peopling of physiographic regions, creation of economic (cultural) regions, and geographic factors related to broad trends in American history.

Units: 3

GEOG 162 Political Geography 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Systematic treatment of the nature and structure of states, boundary problems, political policy for the oceans, international power, air space.

Units: 3

GEOG 163 World Crises 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Current major political, economic, and environmental crises occurring on either a global or a regional level.

Units: 3

GEOG 164 American Ethnic Geography 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Geographical analysis of selected American ethnic groups to include their cultural hearths, cultural landscapes, cultural evolutions, migrations, and current spatial distributions. Economic, social, and political correlates will be explored.

Units: 3

GEOG 165 Medical Geography 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Examination of spatial patterns of diseases worldwide, with special emphasis on diffusion patterns for infectious diseases. Analysis of global health care delivery systems including health care resources, accessibility, and uses. (Formerly GEOG 155).

Units: 3

GEOG 166 Geography of World Economy 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. An examination of the organization of world economy and human economic activities from a geographical perspective. Discussion of contemporary economic issues may include industrial restructuring, technological innovation, foreign trade and investment, Pacific Asia dynamism, Third World crisis, new international economic order, regional inequality, and local area development. (Formerly GEOG 130).

Units: 3

GEOG 167 People and Places - A Global Perspective 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Contrasting characteristics of a diverse world; influence of major social, cultural, economic, and political forces on societal behavior and institutions; impacts of geographical factors including location, climate, natural resources, urbanization, diffusion/adoption of innovations, and rural/urban lifestyles on development. Multicultural/International M/I.

Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

Global and Regional Studies (GEOG)

GEOG 170T Latin American Regions 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Geography of Latin America. Relationship of cultural and natural features; social and economic development; man-land relationships. Regions to be discussed include Mexico, Central America, Caribbean Islands, and South America.

Units: 1-3, Repeatable up to 9 units

GEOG 171T Anglo-American Regions 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Examination of the physical, economic, and cultural geographic foundations of major Anglo-American regions. Regions to be discussed include Canada, the United States, the American West, the South, the Middle West, and the North East. (Formerly 166T).

Units: 1-3, Repeatable up to 9 units  

GEOG 173 The American West 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation, Breadth Area D and PLSI 2. Physical and human geography of the western continental United States. Occupancy of the region, both historically and in contemporary times, by different peoples including Indians, Hispanics, Anglos, and others. Examines population, land and resource use, urban centers, and subdivision of the American West. G.E. Integration ID. (Formerly GEOG 169).

Units: 3
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring
GE Area: ID

GEOG 174 European Regions 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Geographic regions of Europe emphasizing the relation of human activities to physical factors areal in their distribution and influence. Regions to be discussed include Mediterranean lands, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Central Europe, Northern Europe, the British isles.

Units: 1-3  

GEOG 175T African Regions 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Study of major African regions relating to basic physical, cultural, economic, and political geographic conditions and problems. Regions to be discussed include Developing Black Africa, North Africa, West Africa, East Africa, Central Africa, and Southern Africa. (Formerly GEOG 181T).

Units: 1-3, Repeatable up to 9 units

GEOG 177T Asian Regions 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Geographic regions of Asia emphasizing physical and cultural features. Regions to be discussed include Southeast Asia, South Asia, China, and the Far East.

Units: 1-3, Repeatable up to 9 units

GEOG 178 Geography of California 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Natural and cultural patterns of California; historical and regional geography of the state. (Formerly GEOG 168).

Units: 3  

GEOG 179 Geography of the Middle East 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Comprehensive study of the physical features of the Middle East and the cultural traits of its people. The area under consideration extends from the Turkish Straits to the Pamir Knot, and from the Caucasus to the Sudan.

Units: 3

Geographic Topics, Research, and Field Trips (GEOG)

GEOG 190 Independent Study 

See Academic Placement -- Independent Study. Approved for RP grading.

Units: 1-3, Repeatable up to 6 units
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

GEOG 191T  Topics in Geography 

Prerequisites: G.E. Foundation and Breadth Area D. Selected topics in cultural, physical, environmental, or economic geography or in geographic techniques. (Formerly GEOG 188T).

Units: 1-3, Repeatable up to 9 units
Course Typically Offered: Fall, Spring

GEOG 191T  Geographic Images in Everyday Life 

This course explores critical issues/approaches in the study of geographic images found in everyday life. From personal decisions to national/global debates, geographic images are all around us and they shape our daily thoughts/actions, often times without us even knowing. We learn and think about the world through a variety of cultural products: maps, television, film, advertising, newspapers, place-names, textbooks, the internet, music, social media, etc. This course employs these images to examine how people sense/perceive/represent places, spaces, regions, the environment, and cultural landscapes. This topic may not be repeated for credit. (Offered Spring 2023)

Units: 3

GEOG 191T  Environmental Impact Assessment

This course investigates guidelines, processes, procedures, and implementation of environmental impact assessment (EIA) used to assess a project through technical, economic, and social analysis of its effects in natural environment. The objective is to provide familiarity with EIA considered in granting permission for creation of infrastructure, public facilities, and developmental work. Topics consist of background of EIA; policy and institutional framework; public participation, screening, and scoping; forecast and appraisal of impacts; impact management and mitigation techniques; and EIA preparation decision making. Students understand to create, critique, and review EIA and the decision making processes via issue specific case studies.

Units: 3

GEOG 192 Directed Readings 

Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Supervised readings in a selected field of geography. Combined units of GEOG 190 and 192 may not exceed 6 units. CR/NC grading only.

Units: 1-3, Repeatable up to 6 units

GEOG 195 Field Geography 

Prerequisite: permission of instructor. Weekend, semester break, or summer field trips. CR/NC grading only.

Units: 1-6

GEOG 202 Land Use Regulation, Law & Ethics 

This course will examine the development and application of the jurisdictions "Police Powers" to implement land development plans and policies. Historical and contemporary case studies will be examined. Topics include general plan, zoning, subdivisions, nuisance control, and growth management strategies. (Currently not offered)

Units: 3

GEOG 203 Community Planning 

Introduction to basic issues of urban planning, community development, and economic development; the role of public policy in the above fields; market approaches to tackling issues in the fields; review and critique of urban renewal/housing program. (Currently not offered)

Units: 3

GEOG 204 Environmental Planning 

This course is designed to familiarize the student with the fundamental concepts and mechanisms underlying environmental planning at the local, state, and federal level. The complex and embedded interactions of the build and natural environments will be examined. (Currently not offered)

Units: 3

GEOG 205 Transportation Planning 

Introduction to brief history and rend of U.S. transportation planning; basic concepts and the issues in transportation; analytical skills in travel behavioral demand modeling; transportation economics, finance, and policies; sustainable transportation. (Currently not offered)

Units: 3


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