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Black Faculty/Staff Association

BFSA Constitution

Article I. Name

The name of this organization shall be the CSU, FRESNO BLACK FACULTY AND STAFF ASSOCIATION.

Article II.  Purpose

The five-fold purpose of this organization shall be:

Section 1. To organize, for purposes  of support and advocacy under  one governing body,  all Black Faculty  and Staff of California State University, Fresno.

Section 2. To promote the fair and equal access by Black Faculty and Staff to all relevant  programs of California State University, Fresno.

Section 3. To work for the advancement of the interests of the Black Faculty and Staff at California State University, Fresno, and to strive for the attainment of fair hiring practices, economic security, safe, healthful and equal conditions of employment.

Section 4. To work with other Black organizations, as deemed appropriate, from time to time, in Fresno and elsewhere for the purpose of accomplishing all the foregoing similar purposes for affected Black colleagues.
Section 5. To advise, support, counsel, and assist Black students of California State University, Fresno in their academic and social integration into University life, through appropriate means, including office appointments and planned events.

Article III. Membership

Section 1. Membership in this organization shall be extended to all faculty, staff and administrators employed by California State University, Fresno, as well as any of its auxiliary corporation employees, or retirees, who agree to be governed by its Constitution and By-laws herein set forth, or as duly amended.

Section 2. All members shall have voting privileges. Those members who meet eligibility criteria (Article 2 – Section 5) shall have the opportunity to be elected or appointed to positions in the organization.  Their respective rights, qualifications and privileges shall be set forth in the By-laws.

Article IV. Officers

Section 1. The Officers of this organization shall consist of President, Vice President for Faculty, Vice President for Staff, Secretary and Treasurer which shall comprise the Executive Committee. The President shall appoint/create a position as deemed necessary.

Section 2. Duties, responsibilities and terms of office of said officers shall be set forth in the By-laws.

Article V. Meetings

All business and special meetings of the organization shall be called by the President, normally in consultation with the Executive Committee, as appropriate and necessary. In unusual circumstances, the Executive Committee may call a business or special meeting.

Article VI. Committees

The President, in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall establish committees and appoint individuals to all committees and special assignments to carry out the purposes and goals of the organization as deemed necessary.

Article VII. Finances

Section 1. All funds for the operation, development and maintenance of the organization shall be provided by voluntary gifts, donations and contributions and by special fund-raising efforts specifically authorized by the Executive Committee.

Section 2. All monies shall be deposited in a responsible banking institution and all disbursements shall be made in accordance with the By-laws.

Article VIII. Amendments

This Constitution shall be amended by the process outlined in the By-laws.

Article IX. Dissolution

In the event of dissolution, all assets of this organization shall be donated
to such on-campus organizations as designated by the majority of the Executive Committee.

Revised: Fall 2007