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Department of Plant Science


Plant Science professor Dave Goorahoo and student working on research.Thesis Research

Plant Science graduate students conduct thesis research in the areas of agronomy, crop nutrition & soils, irrigation, horticulture, weed science, plant pathology, entomology, and mechanized agriculture.

You can review a list of recent thesis titles online.

Experiments may be conducted in the field, greenhouse, laboratory, or a combination thereof. Projects are developed in conjunction with a thesis advisor based on his/her area(s) of research expertise (view faculty biographies). In some cases, thesis research projects are developed under the direction of UC Cooperative Extension farm advisors, or with associated scientists at the University of California, Kearney Agricultural Experiment Station or USDA-ARS laboratory, both located in Parlier, CA, 30-40 minutes from campus.

Upon application, students are encouraged to discuss their initial area of interest with the Graduate Coordinators who will then direct them to the appropriate faculty or associated scientist. In the first semester, students develop a written thesis proposal which must be approved by the thesis chair and committee members prior to defending their thesis proposal during their second semester.