Technology Services Help Center News Archives
10/10/2018: News: Adobe Creative Cloud is now available for all faculty/staff for personal use. There is a small fee for a one year license. Find out more here.
7/10/2018: Authentication process for users who login directly to PeopleSoft Campus Solutions (CS) and/or Human Resources (HR) is changing. Please see this attached document for information.
5/14/2018: Fresno State identity management is upgrading! Your computer login password and Fresno State resource password will soon be synced. If you received an email regarding this change, your passwords will sync on your next password change. Update or make recommended additions to your secret questions online.
For any other questions, please the Technology Service Desk at 559 278 5000.
2/27/2017: Google applications are now live at Fresno State.
11/28/2016: Password complexity requirements have changed.
6/3/2016: Technology Services launches the re-design of their website; your feedback is welcome.
5/26/16: There will be maintenance done on our network infrastructure which will result in
a network outage on Friday, May 27th, from 9pm-3am. Primary affected systems are as
follows: Blackboard, Zimbra, Student Email, PeopleSoft HR, PS Student, PS Finance
and PS Portal.
The Technology Service Desk will be closed in observance of Memorial Day.