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COVID-19 Updates

Message to Managers About Student Assistants Pay

Posted on April 7, 2020

Dear Managers, Department Chairs, and Timekeepers:

Please review the message dated April 6 that was sent to Student Assistants to provide information about how their pay will continue as they work and/or use COVID-19 Temporary Paid Administrative Leave (CPAL) to supplement the hours they would have otherwise worked.

Please note that following the communication dated March 31, we received new information from the Chancellor’s Office about additional pay provisions that are available to student assistants. Since then, we have also modified the following procedures in an effort to streamline student pay and CPAL usage:

  • CPAL allotment: Student assistants are eligible for up to 128 hours of CPAL. We expect this increased amount of CPAL will ensure pay through approximately May 19 for most students.
  • CPAL tiers: We will not be implementing the tier system referenced in the communication dated March 31 after all. Instead, we are asking managers and timekeepers to ensure that student assistants report on their timesheet their hours worked and/or CPAL used based on the hours they would have otherwise been scheduled to work. This is based on your budget for your respective department.
    • For example, a student assistant who was hired to work an average of 20 hours per week is eligible to use up to 20 hours of CPAL per week; up to 128 hours.
    • As another example, a student assistant who was hired to work an average of 10 hours per week is eligible to use up to 10 hours of CPAL per week; up to 64 hours.
  • CPAL request process: Student assistants may request the use of CPAL directly through their supervisor/manager and report any CPAL usage via their timesheet in PeopleSoft. (Although staff/managers need to contact Benefits to request approval to use CPAL, and faculty/Unit 11 employees need to contact Faculty Affairs, it is not necessary for student assistants to email Benefits to request CPAL since they are able to do so directly via their supervisor/manager.)

We hope you find this information helpful and, as always, please contact Human Resources at 559.278.2032 or if you have any questions.

Marylou Mendoza-Miller, SPHR
Associate Vice President for Human Resources