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Advanced Pumping Efficiency Program

Pumping Cost Analysis

Note: The cost analysis is for electric-powered pumps only

  1. How to Use this page
  2. Basic Information
  3. Current Conditions
  4. Assumed After Project Conditions
  5. Savings

I. How to use This Page

At line 1 - choose the power source and if an electric-powered pump, indicate if it is a submersible motor or not.

At line 2 - indicate whether it is a water well or not. If it is a pumping plant either use the pull down to choose a Specific Capacity or enter it directly in the rose-colored box. (Specific Capacity is the gallons per minute supplied by the well per foot of drawdown.)

At line 3 - enter the horsepower of the engine or motor.

At line 4/5 - enter either the acre-feet pumped each year or the annual hours of operation

At line 6 - enter your average cost of energy

At line 8 - enter the current Overall Pumping Plant Efficiency in percent

At line 9 - enter the current pump flow in gallons per minute

At line 10 - enter the current Discharge Pressure in pounds per square inch

At line 11 - enter the current pumping water level in feet. Do not enter a zero.

At line 12 - if you have an idea of any other pressure losses in the pumping system enter them here in feet of water head.

Press the Calculate button

Certain assumptions will be made regarding the After Retrofit conditions. Examine these closely, especially the pump flow and discharge pressure. You can directly enter the Assumed After Retrofit OPE, Flow, Discharge Pressure, Pumping Water Level, and Other losses and press Calculate Button so that it will recalculate everything according to the assumptions that you have entered.

Note that it is always assumed that the same amount of water will be pumped before and after the retrofit.

Pressing the Reset button will "zero" all entries.

Automatic Assumptions

The following is a description of the automated assumptions for pump performance after the retrofit. As noted above you can override any of these.

OPE - This is assumed based on the nameplate horsepower of the pump and whether it is a submersible motor or not. After project OPE for a natural gas-powered pump will always be assumed to be 25%.

Flow - if the discharge pressure is 10 psi or lower than the after-retrofit flow is assumed to be 30% higher than current. If the discharge pressure is higher than 10 psi the after-retrofit flow is assumed to be 15% higher. This is modified further depending on how high the current OPE is - the higher the current OPE, the lower the assumed increase in flow will be.

Pumping water level - if a water well the PWL will be modified based on the increase in flow and the Specific Capacity of the well.

Discharge Pressure - if a water well the DP will be assumed to be the same before and after the project. Otherwise it will increase based on the following equation:

[DPAfter] = (([FLOWAfter] / [FLOWNow]) * ([DischargePressure] ^ 0.5)) ^ 2

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II. Basic Information

(1)Electric or Natural Gas ? For electric-powered pumps only
If Electric, is this a submersible ?
(2)Water Well Pump ?
If yes, What is Specific Capacity? *
* If you know your exact Specific Capacity please enter into the above textbox.
(3) NamePlate HorsePower
(4) Acre-feet pumped per year (if known)
(5) Annual hours of operation (if known)
(6) Average $/kwh or $/therm

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Item III. Current Condition IV.Assumed After Retrofit
(7)Input HP (hp)
(8)OPE (%)
(9)Flow (gpm)
(10)Discharge Pressure (psi)
(11)Pumping Water Level (ft)
(12) Other Losses (ft)
(13) Total Dynamic Head (ft)
(14) Average $/kWh
(15)Acre-feet/Year (af)
(16)Annual Hrs of Operation
(17)Average $/ac-feet
(18)Average $/hour
(19)Annual Cost

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V. Savings

Average Hrs of Operation
Average $/ac-feet
Average $/hour
Annual Cost

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